Day Two: Wind Cave to Legion Lake. Came down from the ridge. My two hearty companions decided to harvest liquid from the somewhat murky flow we found near the trail. I tried but couldn't drink it straight. Too agricultural tasting and the ol' Adam's apple started jiggling every time I tried. Nothing a little Nestle Quick couldn't cover though. We proceeded. We missed our turn about three times - usually because we were off trail trying to give a lone bull bison plenty of room. The wildlife in Wind Cave Nat'l park is so plentiful. It's beautiful as well - definitely a highlight of the trip. As we crossed into Custer State park, there was a strong-flowing creek we watered at again. Soo good. Shortly after noon, we reached French Creek Horse Camp. There was a water spicket and flush toilets there - accommodations I would truly come to appreciate. We lost the trail awhile in the WildLife Loop but picked it up in time for an amazing climb. Caught the tail end of the thunderstorm. Steve proudly whipped out his Walmart umbrella (the ultimate waterproof yet breathable solution, right?), which lasted all of two seconds before crumpling in the wind. Oh well. We sped on to Legion Lk, set up camp, enjoyed our last hot meal at the restaurant and showered up just in time to get under cover before the rain hit. Rained through the night. (Side note, I dropped my foodbag at the restaurant on the way down to Wind Cave so I didn't have to carry it all Day 1. Very nice).

Day Four: She was a tad chilly in the morning. The only time I thought something warm would be especially nice (I had gone stoveless). We headed towards Sheridan Lk. We lost the trail just south of the lake for a while, but got back on at the Flume Trailhead. Watered at the spillway. Headed north to Pactola. Some wide open areas. By this time, we were on the Trails Illustrated: Black Hills North map, which is in metric and more of a frustration than an aid. Thankfully, Mr. Swann had brought his GPS which helped out. Brush Creek areas was beautiful. Passed through areas that had been logged and the trail was certainly a challenge to find. It was here I made my worst decision of the trip. As we were nearing Pactola (w/in about three miles), we could see the slope of the dike. We had planned to get on to check out the Visitor's Center at Pactola (and hopefully get some hot food). So I suggested we leave the trail and follow a logging road which looked like it should hit the highway (we could hear the traffic). No luck. Only several ups and downs to find we had still worked our way down to the base of the dike. We didn't water up because we were counting on watering up at the Visitor's Center. When we reached to top of the dike (and the highway), the Visitor's Center was w-a-y out of the way. And it didn't look open either. Dejected, we decided to head north. I think we all mumbled a little bit during the closing hours of the evening. Our feet were really starting to feel it too. Still, we set up camp on an overlook with an incredible view of Pactola as the sun set.

Day 6: Overcast morning. It rained over the area we were hiking into. We
plodded along. Trail was slick and muddy. Our feet were wet and we were constantly trying to kick the mud off. Sun came out as we were heading into Elk Creek. What can I say about Elk Creek? I was truly surprised. My attitude was sub par at the time, but I still was struck by what I feel is the most scenic area on the trail north of Pactola. Watered at Elk Creek. As we headed north of the trail head, I think Joel hit his low point. What added to the frustration was that we were in a logging area again and really had no clue if we were on the right track. But before we could sink too low, God intervened via Mother Nature. As we took a break on top of a knoll, a storm moved in real quick. Heavy winds and lightning striking to ground. We boogied right along. The tension increased as we knew we should be turning at some point, but still weren't sure we were even on the right trail (you can see my review of the Trails Illustrated map at http://www.amazon.com/). Mr. Swann had his trusty GPS out and working. I'll never forget as we counted down the distance to our way point, hearing Steve say, "And our turn should be right about... here!" We stopped we turned and looked. A beautiful trail turned off the road into the wood. We could see trail markers again. What joy! What elation. Our hearts were light for miles as we skipped down the long descent to Alkali Creek. The
sun broke out again, just as we left the trees. It was a strange feeling, being glad to see the interstate. We made it to Alkalai Creek with an hour or so of daylight to spare. This is a Nat'l Forest Svc campground - and a nice one two. This was the first flush toilet and water spicket we'd seen since Legion Lake back at Custer State Park. The kind campground host gave us some Alieve. While there, there was a young couple camping there. The young man was Native American and seemed to be in very good shape. They asked what we were doing. With puffed out chests, we explained that the reason we were hobbling about was because we had just hiked over 100 miles in the last five days. He nodded. We asked him what he was doing this summer. He said he ran ultra-marathons for charity. We asked him how far you run in a day. He paused, smiled, and said, "75 miles." I have to admit that, "You liar!" was the first thought that ran through my mind. We bedded down rather deflated after that. (I have since learned that there are people who are crazy enough to run over 100 miles without breaking. Check out a real interesting article @ http://outside.away.com/outside/bodywork/200701/new-years-resolutions-2.html).

The next morning we woke up early, breakfasted at Perkins (Eggs Benedict baby!). Having a little time before church started, I introduced my buddies to the Chapel in the Hills. This offered us some of the tranquility we had hoped to enjoy more on the trail. After a great worship service at South Canyon Baptist, it was finally time to head... HOME!
Best Equipment on the Trail?
- Steve's Tarp (see above).
- My Seattle Sombrero.
- The good ol' Z-Rest sleeping pad.
- Gold Bond Powder (not going to explain).
Lessons Learned
Better footwear! Going more the ultralight route, we all thought we'd get by with some running shoes. Huge mistake. By day two, I was feeling every rock on the trail. It took about two weeks for the swelling to go down. Next time, I'll get a waterproof, mid-weight hiker.
- The Ian's Knot rocks! This is an awesome way to lace up the footwear. Easier to undo than a double knot and guaranteed not to come untied. See: www.fieggen.com/shoelace/ianknot.htm.
- I wouldn't hike 20-24 miles per day again. It didn't leave enough time for relaxation and solitude I was yearning for. I hope for these trips to be physically exhilarating and spiritually refreshing. This might be different if I had better footware, for I could have hiked faster, but I'm still thinking 15-18 miles per day would be fine. How do some guys put in 40+ miles per day? Amazing.
- Aqua Mira works just fine.
- Bring a better blister kit (including hand sanitizer, safety pins and Krazy Glue).
Well, we all had our fill of hiking for awhile. At least that's what we thought. Within two weeks, we were all itchin' to hit the trail again - eager to apply what we learned. What's next? Perhaps the Superior Hiking Trail. Anyway, this trip was one for the books. Thanks Joel and Steve for making the journey with me. It's such a joy to have you as brothers.